Lara's Story
As a 17 year old, Lara arrived at Stepping Stone House in 2019 and set herself a goal – to reach our Independent Living Program as soon as she turned 18.
Beginning in the Residential Care Program, Lara’s outstanding living and social skills progressed her to the Semi-Independent Living Program in just two months!
Lara focused on her personal development, completing over 400 skills within the Skills for Life checklist, and the Re-Engage work readiness program during the peak of the pandemic. Shortly before her 18th birthday, with her newfound skills and confidence, Lara secured a job at Max Brenner. This edifying accomplishment was achieved independently and entirely without the assistance of SSH staff.
Just two weeks after her 18th birthday, Lara achieved her goal. Now in the Independent Living Program, Lara has an apartment of her very own. This incredible and fast-tracked transition through the Stepping Stones to Independence is a result of her hard work and dedication, and we are immensely proud of Lara’s accomplishments.
Lara’s next short-term goal is to get her driver’s license, and she has strong ambitions to work in Animal Care. We know she can make this happen – we’ve seen what she’s capable of. We’ve seen her inner drive.